83 minutes that prove that fashion is much more than just clothes and accessories!

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“Our society is used to treating clothes, hair, accessories, and fashion in general in a very practical way. Today, I will prove to you why this is completely wrong…”

And so Maria Raveendran's talk at TEDxUTSC began when she was called upon to explain the importance of fashion within 15 minutes. Because the clothes and accessories we wear, the way we decide to do our hair or the color we will paint our nails, can change or even mutate our lives. 

Since the beginning of the world and the first humans, Adam and Eve, clothes have had one and only purpose, to cover the human body. Pieces of fabric held together with special bonds were the beginning of fashion, which then of course evolved, with more special fabrics and jewelry as a sign of wealth. 

But what happens beyond that? Beyond the practical side of fashion? 

"Change your wardrobe, change your life," argues Gillian Dunn and bases her entire speech around the insider part of fashion. That is, the one that escapes from the basic need for clothing and goes one step further, to the need to feel beautiful, to feel good about ourselves and ultimately, to have self-confidence. When we believe in ourselves, that we can achieve everything, we start not to compromise, to chase the best. And chasing the best, we achieve more and more small goals on our way to the top. 

So starting from our own wardrobe, we end up with a radical lifestyle change, with chain events that lead to one another. Because that's exactly what fashion is. Inspiration, dream, expectation. So let's ask ourselves, "Who am I and how I want to show up in the world?" and let's start dressing like the person we are or want to be!

And because a good source of inspiration is always necessary, dedicate 83 minutes of your everyday life to great speeches by women who give the term "fashion" the multifaceted and multidimensional character it deserves.

#1 - The Power of Fashion | Maria Raveendran | TEDxUTSC

Through her personal story, Maria Raveendran tells how she transformed from an introverted teenager who barely spoke to a successful researcher and doctor, simply by changing her wardrobe!

#2 - Fashion your future: Think more like a fashion designer | Suzi Vaughan | TEDxQUT

We live in an era of disruptive change and uncertainty. So if "design thinking" is "the new black", then thinking like a fashion designer can be the "next big thing!"! A great talk that takes the basics of design thinking and translates them into a series of practical tips that you can use yourself to help you think more optimistically in times of uncertainty and ambiguity.

#3 - The Link Between Personal Style and Identity | Molly Bingaman | TEDxUMKC

Combining the language of design with elements from mathematics and physics, Molly Bingaman and her team have created a radical new approach to styling that teaches clients how to choose the clothes, hairstyles and makeup that best represent who they are. is.

#4 - Change Your Closet, Change Your Life | Gillian Dunn | TEDxWhiteRock

We live in abundance but suffer from a scarcity mindset. Using research, personal experience and stories, this talk explains why as humans we choose to "store" instead of use and reminds us that we have to choose everyday what kind of life we want to live.

#5 - Dressing for confidence and joy | Stasia Savasuk | TEDxPortsmouth

In this moving and deeply personal talk, Stasia Savasuk shares how she tried to protect her 5-year-old daughter—who was physically challenged—and help her fit into society by dressing her in the prettiest little dress she could find. But when her daughter asked her for a shirt with buttons and bow ties, she was shocked to understand how important style is to our sense of self!

Tesoro by Kalliopi Katsoulidi!

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