Λήψη και Ολοκλήρωση Παραγγελίας

Article 4. Order Receipt and Completion

tesoro4you.com cooperates with dozens of suppliers, importers and manufacturers, from Greece and abroad, in order to offer you a wide range of products at the most competitive prices on the market.
Orders are completed with a specific process, described in detail below, because sometimes, for reasons beyond our control, there is a case where a product that appears available on our website is ultimately unavailable or not deliverable within of the delivery time listed on tesoro4you.com. In order, therefore, to be fully aware of the progress of the order you have placed but also protected from any such cases, the completion of your order is implemented through the direct steps below:
Par. 1). Send an Order Request
Before placing your first order, we recommend that you register as a user of tesoro4you.com in order to make it easier and more efficient to serve you from our online department store.
[1]. free selection of products and placement in the "shopping basket",
[2]. starting the process of sending an order request, through the "steps" indicated to you,
[3]. completing all the details of your order request, which appear on the order form
[4]. display to the e-mail address you have provided us, an automated message with the details of the order request that our company will receive.
Each time you send our company a request to order, you must have previously accepted these terms of use, which govern the transactions between us in their entirety.
Do not forget that your requests are received by our company with the express reservation of a thorough check of the availability of the products included in your order request, since at this stage the processing of your request by our company has not yet started.
Finally, we inform you that our company follows a strict policy of protecting your personal data and only after your express consent (granted by sending the form) are they collected and processed, in the most secure and diligent manner.
Par. 2). Order Request Processing
At this stage, our company thoroughly checks the availability of all products listed in your order request. Particularly:
[1]. In the event that there is availability of all the products mentioned in your request within the delivery time displayed in our online store, then we will confirm by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address you have given us, which will include all its details. The products will then be shipped based on the delivery schedule of our partner courier company.
[2]. In the event that one of the items you ordered is not available and/or that a product cannot be available within the delivery time indicated in our online store, then the relevant employee of our company will contact you by phone or e-mail email, in order to inform you of the unavailability.
[3]. In the event that for any reason none of the above two communications becomes possible for a period of 10 days from the sending of your order request, then your request is automatically canceled and you will have to send a new request to us again.
Par. 3). Phone orders
If you choose to place your order by phone, you must be aware of these terms and conditions. With the final registration of your order by our service department, you automatically implicitly accept all terms and conditions.

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